Western New York Paralegal Association

Our History and Purposes

The Western New York Paralegal Association, Inc. (WNYPA) is a voluntary, nonprofit association formed in 1976 to promote the professional development and continuing legal education of paralegals in the Western New York area. Over our almost thirty-year history, the Association has worked toward its additional goals of maintaining high ethical standards for paralegals, educating the Western New York legal and business communities in the effective utilization of paralegals, and promoting consumer awareness of the role of paralegals within the legal system.

Officers & Directors

The number of Association directors elected each year in April is governed by the Corporation’s By-Laws and dictated by the number of Association members. The directors, in turn, elect the following officers from their number: President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. Regular Board meetings must be held at least four times each year, but are normally held monthly. Click Here for the WNYPA By-Laws.



WNYPA is a voting member of the National Federation of Paralegal Associations (NFPA), the largest national organization in the country representing paralegals. NFPA was founded in 1974, and currently represents over thirteen thousand paralegals. Membership in NFPA provides member associations with information regarding issues affecting paralegals, while at the same time presenting a unified voice for the profession on the national level. NFPA has been, and continues to be, instrumental in the expansion of the role of the paralegal in the delivery of legal services. 


WNYPA is a founding member of the Empire State Alliance of Paralegal Associations, which was organized in 1988. The Alliance meets three times a year and all associations in the state are invited to attend to exchange ideas and discuss issues relevant to paralegals in New York State.

Every member of WNYPA, whether active or associate, is automatically a member of NFPA and ESAPA and entitled to all member benefits.

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